
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
July Q&A Part 1
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
We had so many questions that this will be part 1 of 2 Question and Answer Podcasts this month! Thank you for all your questions.
Time Stamps:
0:45 - Important announcement
1:45 -#1- Do you recommend removing filter socks and/or carbon when dosing First Defense?
3:34 -#2- Can I use nopox and waste away at the same time? Do I need to remove my carbon?
5:54 -#3- What do you do when you have a bacterial bloom?
6:39 -#4- Amazon order of Koi EcoBalance from the USA to Singapore.
7:26 -#5- Ingredients in First Defense. Is it okay for Axolotls?
8:22 -#6- How should I use Waste Away, ReFresh, and EcoBalance together in my reef tank?
14:46 -#7- Are you guys thinking about publishing a book?
16:50 -#8- Step-by-step video on exactly what you would do if you were doing a fish in cycle.
21:51 -#9- Cycling a new 20g tank.... My levels are .25ammonia...Is it necessary to add more ammonia?
25:42 -#10- Would you recommend ever using a siphon gravel/sand cleaner....?
30:33 -#11- Is it normal for the pH to be low during fishless cycling?....
39:50 -#12- I didn’t read the directions and gave the full dosage of waste away...?
If you have a question, send us a message at info@drtimsaquatics.com or reach out to us on social media-@drtimsaquatics .

Friday Jul 15, 2022
DrTim’s Aquatics Media
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
At the last trade shows we've gotten several questions about our medias, what they do, and when you should use them. This episode is a casual conversation about the DrTim's Aquatics medias.
Time Stamps:
00:00 Intro
1:30 What is media?
4:35 Pores and surface area of media.
5:37 Filtration setup and order
7:13 Carbon
21:14 Phosphate
24:31 Phosphate Eliminator and Phosphate Eliminator Plus
28:20 Media bags
39:47 Zeolite
45:45 Review
As always if you have any questions of if you would like more information on something, please send us a message through our social media channels or via our website.

Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
June Q & A Episode
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Join us for our June question and answer episode.
00:00 Start
3:42 - Maxima clam and brown algae treatment
5:58 - Aquarium cloudiness caused by rinsing bio-media
10:44 - How to remove substrate from a tank
16:20 - Is it better for the bacteria to cycle a tank using treated tap water or rodi?
19:20 - How long I should focus on nitrifiers before I seed the tank with coraline for my rocks?
20:56 - What point during a tank’s life should I worry about adding the organic consuming bacteria?
22:15 - How to get my pH up from the beginning, to help the bacteria?
27:30 - How long is Eco-Balance good for, how can I tell if it is expired?
30:37 - Nitrite, phosphate levels off balance
37:06 - What is the optimum reef tank pH range for Waste-Away and Eco-Balance?
41:23 Tank cycling, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrates
If you have a question for Dr Tim, leave a comment or send us a message at info@drtimsaquatics.com

Wednesday May 18, 2022
May Podcast- Bene-FISH-al Fish Food and Nutrition
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
In this episode Dr Tim talks about the basics of fish nutrition as well as the benefits of using Bene-FISH-al Fish food.
2:00- Fish and Feeding
5:10 Fish and Wheat
11:00 Dr Jessie Sanders
11:30 HUFA's and PUFA's
13:57 What to look for when buying food
15:00 Herbivores, Omnivores, Carnivores
15:59 Goldfish and Oscars
18:06 Protein requirements
20:24 DrTim's Aquatics Bene-FISH-al Fish food
26:11 Bene-FISH-al benefits

Wednesday May 11, 2022
May Q & A
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Dr Tim answers your questions!
Time stamps:
2:02 my cycle is stalled with Ammonia reading of 2ppm going on for 2 weeks.
6:20 Things to think of when moving.
11:57 Would you recommend leaving out all mechanical filtration while cycling with this bacteria? That way the only thing they can get stuck to is the substrate, rock, and biological filter media?
14:01 Just came out of my 3 day blackout. I’m dosing waste away now. The Dino’s are gone for now. But my alk is sky high and my corals are stressed. I don’t want to do a water change because it will spark the Dinos again. What should I do here?
18:45 I set my tank yesterday and followed everything you say but my ammonia reads between 0.50 and 1.0 is this okay or should I start over?
22:05 I’ve been using NP active pearl & waste away liquid form for half a year But now I am interested in Waste away gel. Do I need to remove NP Active pearl while introducing waste away?
25:20 I noticed that the protein skimmer has been overflowing with clear water in the collection cup right after I introduced waste away. As I don’t see cloudy water - how long should I remain turning off the protein skimmer?
29:00 I am on day 16 and nitrates are still high, and climbing, I'm getting ready to do a partial water change. Is it possible my bottle was dead? On your website that shows a chart where it shows constantly adding ammonium, but in the video Dr. Tim said never to add unless both Ammonium and Nitrite are low. Should I still be adding ammonium or not?
34:00 New BiOrb and One and Only... should I remove or turn off this air pump or remove the sponge? I just don't want all the helpful bacteria to end up in the cartridge that's going to be replaced at some point.
35:45 First Defense, Eco-Balance and Waste Away gels - can these products be used in the same tank? Once my aquarium is established, it seems the process should be - water change (using AquaCleanse), Then add First Defense, wait 7 days and add Eco-Balance, just replace the gels when needed, is this correct?
39:40 Would it be advisable to use Dr.Tim's One and Only on an established system to help fight off diatoms?
42:02 Which of the Eco Balance products-freshwater or saltwater- would be best suited for a brackish water system?
44:00 ASF lights- how much do they run, and would they be anemone grade?
48:59 I’ve used secondhand Marco rock. It’s leaching out some phosphate into the water. My Hanna checker is reading 0.248ppm. I would normally just use PhosphateRX to knock these back down to 0.03ppm. But I don’t have any filters on the system yet and I don’t know is PhosphateRX will affect the one&only?

Sunday May 01, 2022
Microbiology 101
Sunday May 01, 2022
Sunday May 01, 2022
This episode is all about the basics of microbiology. Dr Tim talks about what various microorganisms and what you can expect of them in your tank's ecosystem.
Got questions? Contact us through social media or by sending an email to info@drtimsaquatics.com
Thank you so much for being a listener!

Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
April Q & A
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Our Q & A Podcast for April answers the following questions:
1:35 #1 Can I use Waste-Away Gels if I don't have a skimmer on my 45g tank?
4:00 #2 My Eco-Balance arrived in a slushy state. Will it still work?
5:34 #3 Cycling problems with a 20g using ammonium chloride and stability.
8:08 #4 Cycling a tank using live rock and bacteria.
11:37 #5 Waste-Away gel usage in an all-in-one 20 gallon.
14:09 #6 Help! I overdosed First Defense by 10x the recommended dose!
15:36 #7 Why shouldn't I use a UV sterilizer?
22:06 #8 Re-Fresh and Waste-Away for Green Hair Algae (GHA) treatment.
25:51 #9 Is Re-Fresh safe to use with shrimp and snails?
27:54 #10 Not adding enough ammonium chloride when fishless cycling.
29:58 #11 Can the Phos-eliminator + be put in during the tank cycling process?
31:39 #12 What parts of the filter to leave in when cycling with a canister filter.

Thursday Mar 10, 2022
March Q&A
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Our March Q&A episode answered 13 of your questions from dino treatment, to One and Only storage, and of course lots of cycling questions.
As always, we love hearing from you and are happy to answer your questions. Send them to us on social media or via email at info@drtimsaquatics.com

Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
February Q & A
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
In this episode Dr Tim and Hilary answer your questions!
If you have a question you would like for us to answer, please send us a message on social media or send an email to info@drtimsaquatics.com
Thanks for listening & happy fish keeping!

Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
In this episode Dr Tim and Hilary talk about the right and wrong ways to acclimate fish and corals, and the science behind it.