
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Bacteria in Aquariums
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
00:00 Start
1:34 Intro
3:59 Introduction to bacteria
5:20 Autotrophs
6:02 Heterotrophs
12:33 Purple Non Sulfate Bacteria
25:57 PNSB
28:55 Nitrifiers crash
29:14 Corals eat Biofilm
32:46 Fuels

Sunday Nov 06, 2022
November Q&A
Sunday Nov 06, 2022
Sunday Nov 06, 2022
During this Q&A episode Dr. Tim answers the following questions:
00:00 Start
00:26 - 1 - Do I need a skimmer when using waste away?
3:19 - 2 - Recognizing unfriendly bacteria, what beneficial bacteria are, and how do we promote the good ones?
7:04 - 3 - Help with cycling a 25 gallon reef tank.
10:04 - 4 - What is EPS?
12:10 - 5 - Suspended bio-media placement question.
14:05 -6 - TAN or Ammonia? Questions for BRS and MACNA videos.
22:14 - 7 - What is the concentration of ammonia in Ammonium Chloride this product?
25:51 - 8 - I accidentally used freshwater One and Only in my saltwater tank. Will this cause any harm?
27:05 - 9 - With the Color up program should I be adding aeration to the solution or to my tank? If the solution how long for?
29:44 - 10 - Can I use Spring Water or Distilled Water? Can I cycle my tank by your method with a bagged ceramic media, sponge filter and bagged carbon? How much One and Only should I be adding?
35:18 - 11 - I have been using First Defense for dechlorination. When would I use AquaCleanse?
36:41 - 12 - Recommendations for short and long term planning for a successful Cichlid tank.

Friday Oct 28, 2022
Planted Aquariums
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Friday Oct 28, 2022
This episode of the DrTim's Aquarium podcast, we talk about planted tanks.
00:00 Start
1:38 What is a planted tank
4:11 Cycling a planted tank
6:32 Order of placing things in the tank
9:11 C02 and pH
12:50 Setup steps recap
18:53 Small fish and cycling a planted tank
22:48 Trimming a planted tank
23:15 Time it takes to establish a planted tank
23:32 Linden Method
27:20 Cichlids and planted tanks
29:40 Pest control
30:34 Alum Dip = 1 tablespoon alum per 1 gallon of water
31:24 Shrimp and planted tanks
34:43 Waste-Away for planted tanks
37:00 Troubleshooting for planted tanks
40:08 Laterite
42:25 Enjoying your tank

Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
October Q & A part 2
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
October Q & A part 2
0:00 Intro
0:45 - Freshwater tank with high nitrates that won't go away.
3:00 - Where to add the bacteria in an aquaponics system and how long to let them settle.
11:58 - Freshwater aquarium questions from a beginner- plants an fishless cycling, delays before adding fish, and One and Only uses and storage.
18:30 - How to use Eco-Balance in place of Microbactor7 to fight dinoflagellates?
23:22 - One and Only, Waste-Away, or Re-Fresh to help fight stringy, white slime bacteria in a saltwater tank.
30:25 - Is my tank cycling? My ammonia levels aren't doing anything.
35:59 - How do I know my tank is cycling?
40:50 -Cycling a tank using RODI and having low pH in a planted tank.

Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
OctQ& A Part 1
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
October Q & A part 1.
Time Stamps:
0:00 Intro
1:10 - LFS questions about the Fishless cycle card
13:48 - In the midst of an ammonia spike have I killed off the nitrifying bacteria?
21:00 -I accident spiked my ammonia to 5 ppm on day one of the fishless cycle...
25:55 - Using a powder to mix my own Ammonia chloride solution.
32:12 -Did you change the formula of First Defense?
34:18 - Question on cycling and the science behind it.
36:51 - Question about fishless cycling in a 100g rubbermaid planted tank.
39:17 - Which version of the one and only do I use in brackish water?
40:20 - What's the difference between the one and only for reef and saltwater?
41:30 -I bought the freshwater eco balance by mistake. Can I still use the product in a reef tank?
42:58 - I accidentally got the freshwater BeneFISHal instead of the saltwater. Can I still use it?
46:45 - I’m wondering if I have an imbalance where my nitrates are too low? I have medium amounts of green hair algae on my sand and rock, green turf algae, and very small amounts of bryopsis.

Friday Sep 23, 2022
Sept Q & A
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Dr Tim answers your questions!
0:00 start
5:49 - Do I add the Beneficial Bacteria only on the First day... or throughout the entire cycling process?
10:38 -The bottle of bacteria delivered by Amazon was extremely hot. Do you think the bacteria was dead? What should I do?
19:16 - Cycling my new tank Redsea XL525 with One and Only but I’m not going to be able to add fish until day 25. Do I continue to dose ammonia?
21:31 - When using one and only do I still need to use a water conditioner?
25:30 - Issues cycling a 20g freshwater tank w/ 2 guppies
31:35 - Issues cycling advice on a 54 g tank on a fishless cycle 12 days ago.
36:02 - Issues cycling a 55g planted tank and ammonia readings that won't go down.
42:57 - Fish in cycle while using Ich-X
46:27 - I use the Waste-Away gel and want to know if I have to remove it for 24 hrs before dosing Re-Fresh?
If you have any questions, please comment or send us a message- info@drtimsaquatics.com

Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
New ASF Products
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Have you heard about the new ASF products? This podcast will give you an overview of what you can expect to see this fall and next spring.
00:00 Intro
0:28 ASF
2:26 New Pumps
9:37 Pump thermal protection
10:27 Wavemakers
15:30 NJMx Pumps
17:22 Salt
23.:25 Reef Shots
30:11 Liquid Additives
30:33 Powder Additives
31:41 Proten LED's
40:31 ASF Test Kits

Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
August Q&A
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Dr. Tim answers your questions!
00:00 Start
1:15- 1"Is it better to add Waste Away to a reef setup once a week,or better to split and dose half twice a week? How long do I need to turn off the skimmer?
5:39-2 How to use Waste-Away and Re-Fresh on my 24 gallon tank.
7:32- 3 "I will be completing the cycle soon, but won't be able to get fish for another 2 weeks, do I continue to dose 2ppm ammonia and how often?"
8:49- 4 "Is it normal for the pH be low during fishless cycling?"
12:01- 5 54g tank on a fishless cycle with high nitrites and nitrates.
16:17-6 ReFresh and sea cucumbers.
17:31-7 "Do I need to remove the floss when cycling?"
18:01-8 "I treated my "milky" tank 24 hours ago with Clear Up, but there has been no change. Can you advise?"
21:43- 9 Fishless cycle and when to use a water conditioner.
23:12-10 "I just received a fishless cycle kit and it was really warm when I got it. Is it still ok?"
27:14- 11 I’m going to use your products to fight Dino, but I’m confused about the waste away and refresh product, there is two versions of them which you recommend?
30:33- 12 I’m on day 5 of a fishless cycle and was wondering if it would interrupt cycle if I added a small amount of dry rock to the tank at this point?
31:13- 13 A 3 week old, 210g tank, with cichlids and nitrites is about 1.0. Is your product still at work getting those nitrites converted into nitrates?
32:52- 14 "Am I able to use the one and only bacteria and nutri seawater?"
34:04- 15 Spike in numbers on Day 10 after adding live sand. Should I do a water change?
36:09- 16 Fishless cycle, with Dr.Tim's ammonia and nitrifying bacteria. After a few days my ammonia is 0 and I am not seeing any nitrates or nitrites. Am I supposed to dose with more ammonia or for nitrites to show up? I have a planted tank with gravel at the bottom. Very hard water, relatively alkaline. I've kept the temperature over 80."

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Cyanos and Dinos
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Dr. Tim talks about some of the basics of Cyanos and Dinos
Time Stamps:
1:52-Cyanobacteria; what are they?
3:13- Dinos; what are they?
5:34- How cyanos work
6:28- How to control nitrate
10:58- What to do if you have cyano
14:08- What consumes nitrate
15:27- Cyano Treatments
19:09- Cyano overload and issues it might cause
22:47- Dino growth
25:56- Dino treatment
31:37- How to balance your tank
33:00- Lighting
Thank you so much for listening to our podcast! If you have something you'd like to hear about or a question you'd like to ask, send us a message at info@drtimsaquatics.com

Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
July Q & A part 2
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
The second half of our July Question and Answer podcast
00:00 Intro
00:34 -1- Well water and AquaCleanse
05:36 -2- No change in Bio pellet consumption on a 280 gallon system.
09:54 -3- ReFresh and canister filters
11:02 -4- Green film on the glass.
16:34 -5- Safe to use ReFresh and WasteAway with Pistol and Cleaner Shrimp
19:25 -6- Cloudy water after using WasteAway and Refresh treatment
27:54 -7- Cycling with dry seeded purple rock and One and Only
31:53 -8- Aqueon Water Conditioner being used with ammonia and One and Only.
33:40 -9- Cycling using raw shrimp
36:40 -10- Take cycling issues when mixing product lines.
43:01 -11- ReFresh was brown colored when it arrived.
Thank you so much for listening! If you have any questions, comment below, reach out via info@drtimsaquatics.com