
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
April Q & A
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
If you have a question for DrTim send us an email at info@drtimsaquatics.com
00:00 Start
1:03- 1- Why is there no drop in ammonia and no nitrites?
4:18- 2- Newly Cycled tank with dinos and cynos. Would you recommend just a few doses of refresh or refresh and one and only or something else to recolonize the biome of the tank?
7:04- 3- Is it normal for the nitrates to come down without doing a water change?
10:49- 4- Help! I messed up! I accidentally added freshwater one and only to my reef tank.
13:57- 5- What is the best way to get rid of this slime in my sump?
16:23- 6- When doing a weekly water change and adding first defense, do I dose for the entire tank volume or just the amount of new water added?
17:00- 7- Thoughts on mulm
20:32- 8- Can you do a podcast on sulfur nitrate reactors?
20:56- 9- I have 0.5 ammonia in my fish tank. Can I add One and Only to my fish tank with fish on it?
21:24- 10- Will nitrifying bacteria take a hit at hypo levels of 1.009-1.010?
23:15- 11- I have dino. Will Waste-Away gels help without affecting my nitrates and phosphates?
25:52- 12- Using Metronidazole to treat dinos.
28:32- 13- Do I need to add bacteria after medicating sick fish?
29:39- 14- Do you ship to Canada?
30:57- 15- What if you use prime or something like that to detoxify the ammonia first before drip acclimating? And how should shrimp be acclimated?

Friday Mar 31, 2023
March Q & A
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Friday Mar 31, 2023
00:00 - Intro
1:27 - 1. Can I use One and Only along with Eco-Balance in my new tank?
3:40 - 2. Is it normal for a skimmer to go crazy after adding Waste-Away Gel?
5:05 - 3. Question about 19 days into a fishless cycle on a 120 gallon.
7:48 - 4. How long can the salt be stored for before it loses its values?
12:28 - 5. Can I use filter floss in place of a skimmer during the Re-fresh / Waste-Away treatment?
16:44 - 6. Fishless cycling should I add more ammonia?
18:28 - 7. Struggling with high phosphates. We've added GFO, but it always climbs back up. Do you have a bacteria that will help keep it down and stable?
24:56 - 8. How to dose Re-Fresh and Waste-Away to treat Cyano in a 100 gallon mixed reef?
29:43 -9. How do I Dose Beneficial Bacteria to control the algae?
37:43 -10. Is there bacteria in the salt?
39:37 -11. What should I expect from dosing Eco-Balance in the next 6-12 months from now?
46:51 -12. Do your products allow me to use my water from the house without filtering?

Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Waste Away Gels
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
00:00 Intro
5:55 Start
11:11 Dinos
13:55 How to raise nitrates and phosphates
19:11 Bacteria in the water column
20:26 Water from old tank into new tank
22:07 Growing Waste-Away
25:05 Types and Sizes of Waste-Away
26:53 Where to place gels
27:28 When to replace gels
28:02 Goo/slime on Gel
29:15 Are they reusable?
32:38 Best placement
37:34 Waste-Away gels with skimmers UVs
37:52 Overdosing Waste-Away Gel
38:17 Fresh vs saltwater Waste-Away Gel
39:03 Turtle, Shrimp, Planted tank Waste-Away Gel
43:46 Waste-Away to treat Cyanos and dinos

Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Reef Evolution Salt
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
00:00 Intro
1:59 What is sea salt?
7:26 Synthetic sea salt
12:14 Reef Evolution Sea Salt
17:26 Time to mix
21:45 IO/RC and how they compare to Reef Evolution
22:08 What's in Reef Evolution
26:45 Shipping and Packaging
32:42 Storage
34:46 Quality Analysis

Friday Feb 17, 2023
Feb q&a
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Do you have a question for DrTim? Send us an email- info@drtimsaquatics.com
00:00 - start
1:52 - 1 - A month after adding One and Only my ammonia is still up and I have 0 nitrites/nitrates. Please help.
7:02 - 2- My local fish store sold me the live sand and a couple pieces of live rock with Dr. Tim’s One and Only and said no need for fish yet or adding ammonia. They said it will take a few weeks to cycle. Will it cycle without adding fish or ammonia?
8:18 - 3- I'm cycling tanks, but when I add more ammonia the nitrite levels seem to spike really high the next day. Do I wait to see the nitrites go down or do a water change? I am worried the high nitrites will damage the bacteria.
11:19 - 4- My phosphate .09. I am using your Waste Away, and doing water changes weekly. I have mushroom and 5 fish. Is that reading ok?
13:08 - 5- Can I use Re-Fresh when I have snails and shrimp in my reef tank?
14:40 - 6- One and Only says you can add it after a water change. I just did a parameter check and my ammonia is at .50. Is it ok to add it with livestock in the tank?
17:25 -7- Does carbon need to be removed when using One and Only?
18:19 -8- Will I need to use bio pellets after The Refresh and Waste Away treatment? I have a very small Cyno carpet, bubble algae, dinos, and hair algae!
20:40 -9- On a maintenance schedule of weekly dosing alternating Re-Fresh and Waste-Away. I'm experiencing a bacteria bloom. I do not run a skimmer or UV . Feed phyto every other day, have done regular (every 10-14 days) water changes.
24:08 -10- I have some of the One and Only on the way, I plan on just helping my nano cycle with Dr. Tim's, ocean direct sand, and rock. Will I still need to add ammonia?
32:06 -11- Why does tank size matter when adding One and Only?
33:47 -12- I like phosphate removers that are slower like GFO vs aluminum oxide based ones. Do you have more info on Phos-Eliminator PLUS?
35:06 -13- The aquasoil in my freshwater tank contains too much ammonia (10 ppm). Should I do a water change before adding One and Only? Any other tips while cycling fresh water tanks?

Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Talking with Aquatic Veterinarian Dr. Jessie Sanders
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
00:00- Intro
00:42- Meet Dr. Sanders
3:31- Important factor in caring for a fish.
7:59- What to do if your fish is overweight.
8:51-Tumors in fish
10:30- Dosing the wrong thing
14:55- When should you call a fish vet
19:16- Caring for Koi
21:25- Quarantine- Why it's important and how you should do it
24:25- How to restart after a wipeout
29:15- Signs to look for
31:02- Fish CPR
34:23- How long can you use a filter
36:16- How to clean your filter
Aquatic Veterinary Services: www.cafishvet.com
Find a Fish Vet: (US) www.fishvets.org
: (International) www.wavma.org

Thursday Jan 12, 2023
January Q & A
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
2:25 -1. Will I actually be able to see the bacteria swimming around as little tiny white things?
4:27 - 2. Can I dose hydrogen peroxide in conjunction with Re-fresh/Waste-Away at night for control over dinos?
6:23 - 3. I just added one & only to my marine fishless cycle Nano tank. Nitrite at 2.ppm & Ammonia at .25. Will this inhibit bacteria conversion & growth for a 6 day cycle?
8:42 - 4. I am currently cycling a tank that has about 2 ppm of ammonia, no nitrites and no nitrates.Should I add the one and only right now, or should I use a tiny bit of the ammonium chloride to raise the levels?
11:45 - 5. Should I regularly dose One and Only on an established tank?
14:01 - 6. What water temperature is optimal for the freshwater One and Only bacteria?
16:11 -7. Is "First Defense" safe for snails, shrimp and plants?
17:09 - 8. I accidentally purchased a freshwater waste gel. Can I use it in my saltwater tank?
17:58 - 9. Can you provide some guidance as to how much of each EXTRA to add when making one tray of food?
22:50 - 10. How to add Selcon to Bene-FISH-al food to treat HLLE in tangs?
25:50 - 11. Do you have cycling bacteria for colder saltwater tanks? (less than 65°F) How does the process differ from tropical tanks?
32:11- 12. Can I rinse it off good and keep using it or throw it away?
33:02 - 13. I have ordered One and Only twice now from Amazon and both times receive Eco- Balance.
If you have any questions, submit them to info@drtimsaquatics.com

Friday Dec 30, 2022
Friday Dec 30, 2022
Friday Dec 30, 2022
00:00 -Intro
1:38 - Phosphate spike that lead to slime. Dosing Re-fresh and Waste-Away. Should I continue with waste away or refresh?
4:11- I am currently treating my fish with antibiotics. How long and how often should I be using the first defense?
7:08 - SPS reef using Waste-Away Gels that caused an outbreak and coral death.
10:06 - After dosing Re-Fresh and Waste-Away I still have lots of cyano. Can I start the treatment process over?
11:40 - If I dose more one and only bacteria does it affect the cycle time?
17:35 - Re-Fresh /Waste-Away/ Eco-Balance maintenance vs intervention
22:26 - Would your Dino treatment have any effect on algae Barn's Ecopods?
22:54 - What is the proper way to dispose of excess Ammonium Chloride solution?
23:29 - Shrimp safety and dosing ammonia to grow bacteria colony
25:39 - Viability of product frozen on arrival after being left on truck.
28:08 - Tap water, Gh and Kh
34:10 - Do roller filters remove bacteria? Does it need to be temporarily turned off?
35:47 - What temperature water is Waste Away effective for ponds? As the water is getting cooler due to the change of seasons, when should I stop adding Waste Away?

Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
Aquarium Keeping- Past, Present, & Future
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
Join us as we talk about the history of aquarium keeping, how things have changed (Did you know you used to be able to buy fish in department stores), what they are now, and ideas on what the future of fish keeping will be like.

Thursday Dec 22, 2022
December Q & A
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
00:00 Intro
2:03 What material is Re-Mover PLUS?
2:35 Ammonia- 1 drop or 4 drops per gallon?
4:47 Cycling question about a 20 gallon tank.
8:12 How much One and Only to dose on a 10 gallon.
9:29 Can you explain the concept of pre-filters?
10:53 Bare bottom tank with nitrate and phosphate issues.
12:38 Freshwater Cycling question.
14:41 What are optimal conditions for nitrifying bacteria?
16:31 Can I dose Waste Away and Eco-Balance without a skimmer?
19:37 How do I Fishless cycle if I have plants in the tank?
20:15 Re-Fresh/ Waste-Away treatments for a 240 saltwater.
22:37 Cycling a 125gallon tank for a Tiger Oscar.
24:16 Can saltwater Waste-Away be used with saltwater Eco-Balance?
24:53 Can I add ammonium chloride to a system that already houses fish?
28:04 Can the bio beads work for freshwater Cichlid tank? (https://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/threads/nitrate-reduction-using-dr-tims-np-active-pearls-in-freshwater.518628/ )
30:24 Are the Waste-Away gels supposed to disappear over time?
31:15 How much ammonia to dose in a Red Sea Reefer 350.
32:27 Battling dinos with Waste-Away and Re-Fresh
34:27 I have an AIO w/o a skimmer. Is that Ok?
36:10 German Blue Rams in a 10 gallon quarantine tank.